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Goodbye, Bynaus

Posted on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 @ 11:47pm by Captain Mrazak & Black Nagus Lurk
Edited on on Tue Jul 17th, 2018 @ 11:52pm

Mission: S1E1: Bynars Be Bygones
Location: USS Phantom
Timeline: MD 7; 15.00

Mrazak hurled the data PADD against the wall.

The mission report which would cross Admiral Nyel's desk in mere moments would not be flattering to him. Ambassador Hannok: dead. Damage to the Bynar digital infrastructure: moderate. Political fallout from near exposure: significant.

It had not been difficult to withdraw from the scene of the crime. With the Marauders dead or fled, the field team had merely taken another tram outside the warp field and beamed back to the Phantom. The shuttlepod was tractored back to the Phantom's shuttle bay from low-orbit, leaving them free to leave the newly revitalized world behind. Mrazak still had Biynah labeled a Theta artifact, and so to avoid any more unwanted attention on Bynaus, he merely took Akiva and Kazyah along. They could be dealt with quietly if needed.

While the worst fears and predictions regarding the newly discovered Black Nagus virus failed to materialize -- such as the collapse of the Beta Magellan Dyson swarm that kept the solar system from plunging within the event horizon of a black hole -- Mrazak knew Admiral Nyel well enough to divine her opinion of an unknown like that, though. The woman dealt only in facts, not hypotheticals, and the facts were not in Mrazak's favor. All that he had to show for his efforts was an inoperable android. That and a slew of Starfleet officers in custody, including one traitorous member of his staff. Events had threaded themselves into a knot that would not easily be untangled. Even if Admiral Nyel hadn't shamed him before, she would surely do so now. If there was any way to spin a win out of this situation, he'd have to find it quickly. The Phantom would get them back to Overwatch Station in just a couple days.

The holographic display bleeped with an incoming message. Mrazak wasn't really in the mood to talk to anyone, but neither was he comfortable remaining with his own thoughts. Seconds passed by where his indifference warred with the repeated beeping until he finally gave in and activated the display.

Rather than another person, Mrazak saw a scene unfold before him. Two men were seated in an office with transparent walls which showed congested starship traffic beyond.

"I don't need to be reminded of the nature of our relationship," said the dark-complected human in a Starfleet uniform. The commodore box on his collar stood out to Mrazak's eye.

"The Black Nagus feels otherwise," said the other man, a Ferengi with a dark headdress. "You were told not to interfere on Bynaus. And yet Hannok was accosted within his very office by your operatives."

Where before Mrazak had a fleeting interest in whatever scenario was unfolding before him, he now paid rapt attention.

"Your double-crossing ambassador called in Memory Theta," the commodore said. "And they responded with an entire field team. The opportunity became too great to ignore."

The Ferengi snarled. "It was a stalling tactic! The virus needed time to propagate. They were never supposed to get close, not with that android to sniff around."

"That was still a mistake, and not one of mine." The commodore gave him a smug smirk.

"No, yours was having your operative murder Hannok and steal his Special Access Program!" The Ferengi bared his teeth.

The commodore shook his head. "Not one of mine. The Theta team had gotten to her. She betrayed me, and for that she will pay."

"Maybe you should be more selective with your double agents," the Ferengi retorted. "Such as not picking a man named Renogade as your spy!"

Bristling at the remark, the commodore stiffened his jaw. "Nobody crosses Section 31. Not her, not you, not your employer. Were it not for the resources the Black Nagus offers my operations, then he would have found me at ground zero standing against him."

The Ferengi made a slow, deliberate nod, his face scowling all the while. "We know, Commodore Hightower. And that's what has forced our hand."

"Oh?" Hightower folded his hands together and inclined his jaw. "What does that entail?"

"A sacrifice." The Ferengi raised his hands over his head.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Hightower's smug demeanor melted away into genuine concern.

The Ferengi grinned toothily. "This conversation is being broadcast through your private Internal Affairs channel. Your admiralty is now aware of your collusion with the Black Nagus. When your station's security team barges in here, I will happily provide them with transmissions, monetary records, and all manner of evidence... Director."

"Why would you do this?!" Hightower all but panicked. "Connections... business deals... Lurk will lose a fortune without my contacts alone!"

"Because," the Ferengi said, "you defied him. Nobody defies the Black Nagus. That is worth more than all the latinum in the quadrant." He grinned wolfishly. "Lurk will get it all back in a few years anyway."

Four yellow-clad Security officers stormed the office and arrested both men in a matter of seconds. The surveillance feed flickered for a moment before shifting to a close up angle of a very old Ferengi with red cybernetic eyes. "You saw what I do to my allies who fail me. Just wait until you see what I do to my enemies. Until next time, Mrazak."

The transmission disconnected, leaving Mrazak staring at the Starfleet emblem. The Black Nagus had sacrificed one of its own to cut the head off Section 31, eliminating it and possibly for good. But for all the good that did, Mrazak realized he may have traded one relentless adversary for another. He had crossed Lurk before, but never had the Black Nagus remembered his name. And just how did he get his transmission directed to the Phantom?

"Worthless Janus."

From now on, Ferrofax would be joining them in the field, it seemed. Increased security. Every possible countermeasure. As if matters weren't complicated enough already, Mrazak would have yet another reason to look over his shoulder.


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